Once again, George Eustice MP asked local school children to enter a competition to design his Christmas Card. Entries were judged by the Mayors of Camborne, Redruth and Hayle, and George was pleased to announce that the winner of the competition was that from Charlie Roberts of Bodriggy Academy.
Charlie’s striking picture of a snowman will grace the front cover of the thousand or so Christmas cards that George will send out. Eleven schools entered the competition with the best cards from Weeth, Troon, St Meriadoc, St John’s, Lanner, Trewirgie, Rosemellin, Pennoweth, Treloweth, and Roskear featuring on the reverse of the card. The designers of all the featured artworks will receive prizes of art sets and George was pleased to be able to present Charlie with his prize at Bodriggy’s assembly last Friday.
George Eustice said, “We were struck by the high quality of all the designs that were received, but in the end felt that Charlie’s design really stands out. It is great to be able to showcase local talent in this way.”